Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Methods Index

  Little Bob Royal

Little Bob Royal

About Little Bob Royal

Little Bob Royal is a member of the group of the Plain Bob family of methods, where the treble is restricted to hunting only as far as 4ths place. It is a valuable training ground with many challenges whilst maintaining the essential simplicity of a method based on plain hunting.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Little Bob Royal description.

Method Structure.

Place Notation:
X 10 X 14, 12; Bob 14, Single 1234.


Little Bob Royal change rows with grid

Diagram: Little Bob Royal, plain lead, change-rows and grid.


Goals and learning approach

What you are trying to achieve needs to drive your approach. However, a band embarking on ringing Little Bob Royal needs to invest some study time, more so than approaching Plain Bob Royal.

Ringing by structure

Get going:.
Take care to place the band for best outcome.

Get going:.
Learn the double lines for all of the pairs, especially in comparison with Plain Bob Royal.

Performance Level

If you are wishing to achieve Quarters, or peals:
start with the "get going" as above, add in the bits that are natural to you.
Study the Lead End positions, and the lines.
Practice a lot.
Develop a strategy for surviving trips.
Achieve some performances .

Method Mastery Level

For a band to achieve mastery in a method like Little Bob Royal (a valid goal), much practice is needed, together with clear application of coursing order.


Learning Little Bob Royal.

The Rules

Little Bob Royal - the rules
The treble plain hunts to 4ths.
When treble makes 4ths place, the pairs above 4ths dodge together.
When treble leads, 2nds place is made and the pairs above 2nds dodge together.

Applying the Rules

The essence of the method is the half lead.

  • If both of your bells are above 4ths at the half lead, the dodging patterns are similar to Plain Bob lead-ends, and the hunting pattern is not disrupted.
  • If both of your bells are below 4ths at the half lead, the hunting patterns are not disrupted.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Little Bob Royal, 1-2

Little Bob Royal on 1-2 Little Bob Royal on 1-2

Diagram: Little Bob Royal, 1-2.


Little Bob Royal, 3-4

Little Bob Royal on 3-4 Little Bob Royal on 3-4

Diagram: Little Bob Royal, 3-4.


Little Bob Royal, 5-6

Little Bob Royal on 5-6 Little Bob Royal on 5-6

Diagram: Little Bob Royal, 5-6.


Little Bob Royal, 7-8

Little Bob Royal, 7-8 Little Bob Royal, 7-8

Diagram: Little Bob Royal, 7-8.


Little Bob Royal, 9-0

Little Bob Royal, 9-0 Little Bob Royal, 9-0

Diagram: Little Bob Royal, 9-0.


Touches of Little Bob Royal.

Complib has over 300 compositions for Little Bob Royal ranging in lengths from 144 changes to 10,000.